TransSuite by TransCore
TransSuite by TransCore

An integrated family of transportation management software products, TransSuite® is designed to meet a variety of traffic management needs within a single platform.  TransSuite provides field-proven solutions for all ITS devices, including traffic signal controllers, freeway management data collection, ramp metering, dynamic message signs, CCTV controls and display management, incident management and response, and center-to-center interfaces.  Agencies can select from a portfolio of software modules to create customized, standards-based solutions.  The flexible, yet robust, graphics display tools offer high-resolution graphics in an easy-to-use environment.

Event Management

Perfect for arterials and freeways, our EMS module monitors incidents automatically detected by the Traffic Management System or manually entered by system users. All events and responses are tracked, and updates can be sent to traveler information outlets and news media.

Traveler Information System

TransCore’s TIS controls both Highway Advisory Radio management and Dynamic Message Signs, with full NTCIP support. Features include sign message scheduling, library management, and system logs.

Traffic Control System

Our highly successful TCS module provides reliable signal control in tens of thousands of intersections across the US and in the Middle East. TCS offers full NTCIP support for controllers while retaining legacy controller support.

Traffic Management System

Our TMS module manages freeway operations through detector data collection, logging and display; automated incident detection and reporting; and real-time travel time calculations for traveler information. Operators can manually respond to a detected system or have TMS automatically manage a response.

Video Control System

One of the most advanced video control systems available, our VCS module provides support for proprietary CCTV systems and digital video transmission, as well as multi-level switching and user priority.


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